5 Teknik Pemasaran Online di Malaysia

Kelas Marketing

Terdapat banyak cara untuk memasarkan produk dalam talian(online). Cuma anda perlu memahami platform mana yang akan anda gunakan dan sejauh mana pengalaman anda dengan platform itu. Apabila kita bercakap tentang platform dalam talian seperti Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, dll… akan timbul di fikiran kita. Ini adalah platform dalam talian yang biasa kita gunakan untuk berhubung dengan orang lain. Sama seperti produk/perkhidmatan anda, anda perlu mencubanya atau menjadi pelanggan supaya anda boleh memahami cara mereka memasarkan produk sebelum anda cuba menjual.

Sama seperti mempunyai kedai fizikal, anda boleh menghiasi platform dalam talian anda seperti kedai anda sendiri untuk memastikan sesiapa sahaja yang datang ke halaman profil anda akan mempunyai minat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang produk/perkhidmatan yang anda sediakan di profil anda.

1. Bina Profil Perniagaan

Media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, dan banyak lagi telah menjadi lebih terkenal pada era ini. Platform ini mempunyai 'future' yang menarik bagi pemilik perniagaan untuk menyediakan akaun perniagaan mereka dan berkomunikasi dengan orang di seluruh dunia.

Facebook Page

Jika pelanggan anda lebih cenderung menggunakan Facebook sebagai platform utama mereka. Anda harus menggunakan halaman Facebook untuk 'reach audience' yang berpotensi untuk menjadi pelanggan. Alat analitis dalam Facebook akan memberitahu 'audience behaviour' anda, masa mereka berada dalam talian, cara mereka terlibat dengan siaran dan banyak lagi.

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Facebook Page 91Apparels

Instagram for Business

Lebih 2 juta perniagaan berhubung dengan orang di Instagram. Ketahui cara menggunakan Instagram untuk menjangkau pelanggan baharu, mengembangkan 'audience' anda dan berinteraksi dengan pengikut sedia ada. Bahagian penting menggunakan Instagram ialah gambar, pastikan halaman profil anda kelihatan menarik untuk memastikan orang ramai akan 'engage' dengan siaran anda

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Instagram Page Secrezz Empire

WhatsApp Business

Perniagaan WhatsApp mempunyai ciri -ciri katalog untuk mempromosikan produk anda. Anda hanya perlu 'forward' butiran produk ke nombor pelanggan dan mereka boleh melihat gambar dan butiran perniagaan anda. Mudah! tiada lagi kesibukan untuk 'forward' gambar dan butiran produk satu per satu untuk setiap pelanggan.

2. Daftar Kedai Online

It's easy to sign up for an online store. There free and paid platform that provides this future. The best part of having an online store is your store open 24 hours a day, online payment, product listing and description, and more. Here's is the list of free online store:


Shopee is a marketplace for you to promote a local product. Over 47.33 million monthly visitors estimated on Shopee by the 4th quarter of 2020. This is a good opportunity for you to reach potential buyer on the Shopee platform. All you need to do just go to Shopee seller centre website, register your business and you're ready to promote your business online!

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Shopee Seller Centre

3. Register Google My Business

Have a physical business address? That's a great! you can be listed in Google Maps to let your customer know about your business in their area. Why you need it? you can give a quick glance about your business like opening hours, promotions, events, menu, catalogue and more with GMB. This kind information will help customer to go to your place without worrying anything. They also can give a review on your business to help other people to know about previous customer experience with your business place.

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Have I mentioned that to be listed in GMB is free? You can register Google My Business and start builds your business profile today. Upload your business place picture and list all the products/services on GMB. Get verified with Google and your business will visible to the public. Don.t have a physical address? No worry, you can still sign for GMB and use its future.

4. Start Advertising

World of advertising become more important as its a part of marketing. When we do advertising we must make sure to taret the right audience that will potential buy our products/services.

As an online business owner doing ads is an important part to make sure your business can generate sales. These are suggested platform for you to start advertising: Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads, and Google Ads.

  • How much is the cost for advertising?

    It really depends on how you do the marketing, which audience are you targetting, what type of campaign do you want and more. The cost may vary on different business. But for sure everybody wanted low-cost advertising. You can improve your budget spend on ads when you understand how to run ads properly.

  • How long it will takes to do advertising?

    You can takes as much time to as you want to promote your product. You can set time for your ads to appear to audience and end it at specific date when the promotion is done.

5. Build a Website

You know how important a website nowadays? When covid-19 hit the world, more business starts to shift their current business to online business. They start to build an online profile business through social media platform, present their business website, start an e-commerce website for customer to order and more.

The best part of having a website is when a customer searching for your business on search engines like Google or Bing, your site will show up. Customer will automatically know your business and make a purchase through the website without contacting you.

  • How much to build a website?

    The only that you need to build a website is just to pay for a domain, hosting, and some plugins for your website. You can build a website for free through WordPress. But, if you have no time to handle a website, you can hire a staff, agency or freelancer to do it for you. Let someone who is more experienced help you ease your job.

  • How to build a website?

    You can use platforms like Wix, Google My Business, Weebly, WordPress, and more website builder out there. You can build a website the way you like and show it to your customer.

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